Sunday 29 June 2014
Today we slept in and did a few things, but not a lot. We drove around one side of Loch Ness (it is the longest loch--according to Joshua) to a castle--Urquhart Castle. You start out watching a short film about the history of the castle, then the screen rises up and curtains open to you looking out over the castle itself--very dramatic and kind of corny, but Joshua loved it! Then you go outside to see the castle. Evidently when they first started unearthing the castle (you could only see the entrance building and the tower in a photo from the 1800s), they didn't take care and just dug out so that artifacts were most likely discarded and they had trouble figuring out clues from where things were. The castle changed hands many times and was eventually blown up and set fire to by the owners right before they left when they were besieged by the Jacobites (I can't remember if it was before or after Culloden). They wanted to make sure the enemies couldn't use anything in the castle. There was a half-hour presentation by a man in chain mail--talking about the history, explaining his clothing, and showing weapons of the time and how they were used. Very interesting! Before the presentation, a woman was there with the weapons, she even arranged the four different types of arrows for me to get a better photo! :) Then I asked if I could hold the crossbow--just to feel how heavy it was; she said that she wasn't supposed to, but let me hold it anyway. Wow--it is heavy!
Joshua with a replica trebuchet
Four different types of arrows. The top was to cause major damage, especially to horses, the second would have a burning ember put in it, then shot in to start fires in the castle before storming it, the next was skinny to go through chain mail, and the bottom had the little legs to catch and cause major damage when it is pulled out. |
Loch Ness through a castle window |
Loch Ness through an archway.
A dovecote with four nesting spaces remaining |
Most likely part of the orginal Pict hill fort (~600 CE) this was built on |
After the castle, we followed the rest of the Loch then on to Inverness. We went to the Super Tesco there (similar to a Super Target). We found a great selection of food at way better prices than our little village store. Then we followed Loch Ness down the other side of the loch. The small road was not much wider than a bicycle path, our car barely fit--and that doesn't take into account the cars coming from the other direction! Luckily, it was a less traveled road so it didn't happen often.
After we returned, we had dinner then the children and I hit the pool. The water was warm and we played Marco Polo. We had fun and it was nice having Mommy-children time together, having fun. I tried the steam room too before returning to our apartment.

Speaking of our apartment, we had a drippy pipe yesterday, enough that we couldn't use our en suite sink, then we got an error light on the washing machine. We had also noticed that the washing machine wasn't drying, though it is supposed to. We also had noticed a towel shelf above the tub had been pulled from the wall and was hanging by screws from the wall. Well, Randy went to the office to let then know. Not to long afterward, they sent a handyman who showed us how the door of the washing machine needed to be shoved and showed us how the heat and hot water works (we'd had trouble with those as well), checked out the drip and promised to return with a plumber, then said that he would get a joiner to fix the shelf. I told him that we didn't need the shelf, they could fix it after we left at the end of the week. They have fixed everything else. Whew. Hopefully everything will work for the rest of our time here! We are thinking of going to the Isle of Skye tomorrow or the next day.