Or, rather, IN a Fit. Five of us. We left around noon today to travel to Chicago. A few stops along the way to munch on some fruit and trail mix and use the restrooms. The children were great in the car--playing MadLibs together and other iPod games, taking naps, watching movies, and reading. As a family, we listened to the first five chapters of Anne of Green Gables. Joshua especially is eager to hear more. I borrowed it from the library on CDs (8 of them) and loaded onto my iPod for the trip. I will delete it when we have finished listening to it. For those that don't know, part of our trip is to Prince Edward Island (PEI) in Canada which was the setting for the Anne of Green Gables books. I have read all of them, but Randy and the children have not, so. . . Anneliese also had Cabin Pressure, a BBC radio show on her iPod, and we listened to several of the episodes--good British humor! A benefit of our new Fit is the USB connection to listen to things from our iPods.
Joshua and Anneliese are surely involved in a deep discussion about the meaning of life! |
All three children in the back seat--cozy! |
Arrived in Chicago, found somewhere to eat, and we're off tomorrow to Columbia College tomorrow morning, then sight seeing.
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