Monday, July 10, 2017

Days 20 and 21: Farmstay and Final Travels

10 July 2017

On Sunday, we enjoyed our last day at Bonus Downs, our farm stay.  Kathi and Marian had signed up for a tour.  I thought about it, but wanted a low-key day.  The tour started just before 11 and I think they returned home around 4.  Madonna began by sharing the history of the property up to present day.  Then she showed them around the farm yard and their house and shared what they had needed to do to get where they are.  Then she and Lyle took them out and showed them all of the paddocks and the Ooline Trees.  They had a meal at a sort of picnic area they have out there:  sausages, damper (bread), salad, billy tea and billy beer.  Billy tea is made by boiling water in a pail, then adding tea leaves.  It is then swung in circles to mix and steep it (like when you perform arm circles as an exercise), then it is ready.  They said that it was very good just mixed with a little sugar.  When we were at the wildlife park, the man at the farm show showed us how it was made.  Lyle made it for them.  The two women had an awesome time—they really enjoyed everything and shared what they had learned with us the rest of the night.  They said that they were too full for dinner but we tempted them with some inexpensive frozen pizzas we heated up, and they had a few pieces.  Madonna brought us some damper to try.  It was dense, like a quick bread or soda bread, but not very sweet.  It tasted good, but would have been even better with some honey or fresh butter.   Randy and I went for a walk while Kathi and Marian were gone.  After dinner,  Joshua showed Kathi how to play chess and they played that until after I went to bed!

Randy tried out the didgeridoo.

I asked everyone last night what their favorite thing was on the vacation:  Joshua said the beach and Caversham wildlife park, Kathi liked the farm stay, Marian said that she liked everything, and Randy said that his was the beach by the Pinnacles—unexpected, but very enjoyable with its warm water.  I was torn between the Skyrail cable car ride through the rainforest and the farm stay.   

This morning we left early—pulling out at 7:30 with hugs from Madonna and handshakes from Lyle.  We saw a kangaroo through the window very nearby as we ate breakfast and the cows all came close to the fence as we were leaving.   They were all saying good-bye as well. I had to get cash to pay for the farm stay and accidentally was a bit overenthusiastic and got out too much, so we are paying for everything with cash—including things for Kathi and Marian and will add it to their final accounting bill (which includes things we split such as groceries for meals, gas, etc.).  We drove and drove, stopping only for gas and a quick lunch at McDonalds—those doubled as our bathroom breaks.  

Marian and Kathi

As we drove away from Bonus Downs, we saw a lot of kangaroos and even a wallaby.  Madonna said that the area is overpopulated by Blue and Grey Kangaroos and Wallabies.  She and Lyle were beginning to pull out some of the invasive non-native trees from their property (33,000 acres), but when they still had 1/3 of it left, the government passed a bill limiting what property owners can cut down on their land.  Madonna and Lyle were replacing the trees they were taking out with native trees and grasses.  The government won't let them cull the kangaroo population, but the kangaroos won't go in the areas with the non-native trees because there is nothing for them to eat.  So Madonna and Lyle are caught--they can't cut down the trees and plant native plants that the kangaroos will eat (mostly planted for their cows) and they can't cull the herd of kangaroos that are overtaxing the vegetation in the cleared areas.  

Nine hours later we arrived in Brisbane.  We parked downtown and walked around, stopping at a few souvenir shops for Kathi and Marian.  Then we drove to our hotel which is 2 miles from our car rental return and they will shuttle us to the airport for the long flight home.  The first leg is 13 1/2 hours from Brisbane to Los Angeles and from Los Angeles to Minneapolis is 4 hours.  We will arrive home exhausted.  

Downtown Brisbane

Walking around Brisbane

The Brisbane skyline from the Story Bridge

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